Innovative security standards for a protected IT infrastructure and secure business processes.
John Spedition GmbH has undergone a comprehensive and thorough examination as a cooperative partner of CargoLine, following the internationally recognized ISO 27001 standard.
To ensure a reliable and protected IT infrastructure, as well as seamless business processes, all necessary security measures are monitored and adhered to during the development and implementation stages.

As part of this examination, we closely collaborated with the IT-Grundschutz-Kataloge (IT baseline protection catalogs) provided by the renowned Federal Office for Information Security (BSI). By utilizing these catalogs, we were able to identify and implement a comprehensive range of security measures specifically tailored to meet our business requirements.

The successful certification according to the high standards of ISO 27001/IT-baseline protection since March 1, 2014, demonstrates the reliability and strength of our IT infrastructure. Our IT department works continuously to improve information security and proactively minimize risks. We take pride in assuring our customers that their data and information are in the best hands with us, and we make every effort to adhere to the highest security standards.
As a cooperative partner of CargoLine, John Spedition GmbH has successfully undergone the thorough examination process in accordance with the international standards ISO 27001 and the IT-Grundschutz catalogs provided by the BSI. Our comprehensive security measures ensure a protected IT infrastructure and smooth business processes. The certification according to ISO 27001/IT-Grundschutz verifies our reliability and strength in terms of information security. We continue to strive to maintain the highest security standards and proactively minimize risks, giving our customers the assurance that their data is in the best hands with us.